Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Song/B-Side of the Day

So I'm not the kind of guy to "abuse" songs. One of my best friends in high school was notorious for playing a song non-stop for two weeks and then forgetting about it forever, so I've always made it a vow not to do that. However, when Ben Sollee's song "Try" came on my iPod during my morning metro ride, I literally played it back three more times. II'm convinced it can't be abused. Check out the awesome folk cellist's tunes through this video below, and listen to the studio version (which I think I prefer) under the video. My favorite part of a song is always when they "bring it back", so the 3:30 mark on the studio recording always gets me smiling.

Also, a b-side from the hike this weekend in Guadalupe. I'll always consider myself a city boy, but I'm realizing more and more every day how big of a fan of nature I am.


1 comment:

  1. I like the song. I like the come back. I like your pic. I'll be happy when you come back. Love you
